"God damn it, Alexis!"


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I dreamed that I was in soap opera Dynasty, as one of the characters, (probably insired by the recent death of John Forsythe). To be more precise: I dreamed that I was a teenage daughter of Blake Carrington and Alexis Colby. I had apparently been living with Blake in the Carrington mansion along with my brothers or sisters (who must have been Adam, Steven, Fallon, and Amanda, but I don't remember actually interacting with those characters), but this was the on-set of season 7, which is the time when Alexis manages to ruin Blake financially and take over not only his business, but also his mansion, so she throws Blake on the street.

In the dream, this meant that I now had to live in the house with my mother, Alexis, instead of with my father, Blake. This upset me terribly, and I was very angry with Alexis about her treatment of Blake. As a result, I did the only sensible thing: I went on a hunger strike. We were sitting down to have dinner, Alexis, my brothers and sisters, and myself, and I was famished, but instead of digging in, I solemnly announced that I wasn't going to eat a single bite again until Blake was back in the house.

That's all I remember from the dream.