Sarah Jessica Parker and the Chocolate Figurines


I recently had a dream in which I was at the top floor of Illum, a Copenhagen department store. I had somehow got my hands on three chocolate figurines, like the ones children get for Easter. Except these figurines weren't Easter bunnies or anything like that. Instead they were made out to look like Thor, Siff, and Loke from Norse mythology. For some reason, I was devouring these chocolate figuring, with a ravenous appetite. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a door opened and Sarah Jessica Parker stepped into the room. She was wearing a beautiful silver dress, Charleston-like, and her hair was short like it was in the fifth season of Sex and the City. Upon seeing me and my wild consumation of these chocolate figurines, she got this completely horrified look on her face, and rushed out of the same door that she'd entered Illum through.

That's all I remember from that dream.

"Interests", "Relationship Status". "Favourite Swedish Tenor"

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I dreamed several different dreams last night. In one of them I was thinking about a Danish book called "Tusmørkebørn" and suddenly realised that it must be at least partly inspired by Swedish Astrid Lindgren's "Madicken", particularly in the depiction of the relationship between two young sisters. Apparently, my inner Master of Art in Comparative Literature never sleeps.

Later that night, I dreamed that I had just graduated from high school and decided to celebrate by taking a roadtrip up through Sweden. I had a friend with me at first, but then she went home, and I went on by myself, mostly hitch-hiking. After a while, however, I decided that I wanted to go home and I caught a train back to Malmö. At Malmö Station I tried to book a ticket for Copenhagen, only to find that I had apparently created a profile on the Malmö Station homepage back in 2002. Among other things, I had been asked to pick my "favourite Swedish tenor now living". There were six different Swedish tenors to choose between, and I had picked Niclas Björling. I've never even heard Niclas Björling, but in the dream I figured that I had probably picked him because I assumed that he was a grandchild or some other kind of relative to Jussi Björling.

There was also a box where I had to name the "Person I Would Want to Narrate My Life". I'd put down "Jonas" who was my boyfriend in 2002.

I can't remember much else from the dream, but I really appreciate the lengths that my dream brain will apparently go to in order to squeeze random cultural trivia into my dream plots!

I would also like to point out that there were no celebrities in this particular dream. Unless you count Niclas Björling, who actually does exist, but I think that's a bit of a stretch.