Juliette Lewis and The Big Chill



I dreamt last night that Martin, my co-blogger, wanted me to watch some movie with him that Juliette Lewis had directed. It turned out to be a kind of comedy-drama about a group of hipster 40-something artists who all met up at this big house. It seemed to be somewhat akin to The Big Chill, thematically: A group of old friends meeting up and reflecting on how their lives turned out. Gillian Anderson was one of the actresses. Juliette Lewis was also in the movie herself. For some reason, every actress in the movie had the same haircut and hairdye as Juliette Lewis (shoulderlength, and dyed red).

I don't remember anything from the story, apart from one of the characters, possibly the one played by Gillian Anderson, showing the others old pictures from this one time in the late sixties when she was hanging out with John Lennon in some kind of garden. John Lennon was naked in the pictures and looked terrible, just like on the cover of Two Virgins.

There were also a few cameos of some sculptures that Martin informed me were also done by Juliette Lewis who apparently did some sculpturing on the side. I commented that Juliette Lewis is also a singer in a band (which she is, in RL) and dryly told Martin that I thought Juliette Lewis ought to just sit down and make a decision about what kind of artist she wanted to be.

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