The Early-'90s Ziggy Examination



Last night I dreamt that I was somehow Andrea Zuckerman from 90210. I was her within the fictional world of the series, meaning that it was also the early '90s again, and I was wearing ridiculous clothes, and my hair looked awful. I had to take an exam in The History of Modern Culture at the University - a class I finished several years ago in real life. I showed up for the examination which, as it turned out, was to take place within a big auditorium. Everyone who had to be examined on that day were present and seated in the rows of the auditorium and the various examinations took place on stage in front of everybody else.

I was really nervous, because as is usually the case in this kind of dream, I suddenly couldn't remember a thing from the curriculum. And I didn't know exactly when my examination would be, so I had to just stay put in the auditorium, which stressed me out even more. Finally, however, a list was handed around to everyone, with a schedule clumsily drawn with a pencil, stating when each examination would take place, and also what subject the examination would be on. I was happy to see that it was still two hours until my examination - but less than happy that it was apparently going to be on the subject of the cultural significance of the comic strip Ziggy!

I have to stop for a moment here and say how completely random I think it is that Ziggy has been part of a dream of mine. I think the comic strip is incredibly lame and unfunny and never think about it, and I can't imagine how my brain came up with it. Other than the fact that I think I associate Ziggy, as well as 90210, with the early '90s, because Ziggy was quite popular in Denmark around that time.

Anyway. I decided that the two remaining hours until my examination were best spent going home to try to get my texts and notes from the class of History of Modern Culture and see if I could find anything on the subject of Ziggy, or something akin to Ziggy. So I hurried home on my bike, and tried to find it all, but I couldn't really find half of the curriculum. I was able to find a book on the history of modern culture, but it only covered history up until about 1900, so I wasn't likely to find anything about Ziggy there. Eventually, I decided to lie down and have a nap.
When I awoke I was almost late for my examination, so I rushed back to the university and made it just in time. I was greeted by the examinating professor, who had an announcement to make: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to encourage you not to make your examinations too wordy. All my little brothers and sisters are going on dates, so I am in a bit of a hurry." You see, as it turned out, the professor had a bunch of poor ghetto kids to take care of, kind of like Wallace has in The Wire. I'm not sure how I even knew this.

Before the actual examination began, however, the scene was cut, and the next scene showed Andrea sitting on the beach. She was carving something into a stone that she'd picked up - an "A". I was no longer Andrea at this point, I was sort of watching her from outside, but I took this to mean that Andrea had been given an A. Suddenly Brandon Walsh came walking and sat down beside Andrea, asking her how things went. She told him, and he looked at his watch and noted that she'd been examined for an hour and fifteen minutes.
For some reason, the absurdity of this set-up suddenly dawned on me in the dream, and so I decided to interrupt Andrea's and Brandon's conversation by going all meta on their asses, laughingly telling them: "Hold on a minute, Andrea: You were talking for an hour and fifteen minutes about Ziggy? Jesus Christ, that is the most typically early-'90s thing I've ever heard, right there. Andrea Zuckerman telling Brandon Walsh about her examination on Ziggy the comic strip. I'm telling you guys, you may not realize this yet, but someday you are going to look back and know that this was the most extremely early-'90-ish moment of your entire lives."
And then I woke up.

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