Harrison Ford, Pierce Brosnan, and The Elephant Man



I had a dream some time last week in which I was still with my ex-boyfriend Jonas (a relationship that ended years ago). This is a recurrent dream scenario of mine, and in the dream I’m always in a state of panic, because I don’t want to be with him, I don’t understand how I even got back together with him, and I want to break it off, but I worry about hurting his feelings all over again. I was thinking about these things in this dream while I was hanging around in some kind of house. My mother was there, and we were discussing something or other. Suddenly, however, my mother left, and in walked Harrison Ford! And we’re talking young Harrison Ford here. Like, Harrison Ford from before I was even born. Hot.

For no apparent reason, Harrison Ford walked over to me and started kissing me. As already mentioned, he was hot, so I was all for that, until I remembered that I was still with Jonas, and then I felt terrible and freed myself from Harrison Ford's tender embrace. I walked out of the room – only to realize that the house I’d been in all along was Jonas’ house! And that he was sitting in a pink office chair in the room facing the one I was just in with Harrison Ford! Meaning that he’d had a clear view of what I’d been up to in there. I walked up to Jonas and tried to be all casual about it, thinking that just maybe Jonas didn’t see any of it after all. However, Jonas was looking glum and hurt and poignantly told me: “I demand to know why you were kissing Harrison Ford just now!” Which, when you think about it, is a sentence you get to hear much too rarely in every-day conversation.

I don’t remember how I managed to get out of that situation, but soon after I found myself in the kitchen of that same house, along with Jonas, Jonas’s mother, and Jonas’s younger sister. Jonas does not even have a younger sister in real life, but in this dream he did, and she was about eleven or twelve years old. Jonas’s mother knew all about the Harrison Ford incident, so things were incredibly awkward. Also, there was a television on in the kitchen, and we were watching the news. On the news it was announced that actor Pierce Brosnan had died. The anchorman explained that Brosnan had for years suffered badly from the same disease that the Elephant Man had in David Lynch's movie: Big tumors grew all over his face and made him look completely deformed. They showed a picture of him from during his illness, and he looked terrible. Somebody moved to switch off the television, worried, I believe, that Jonas’s little sister might be disturbed by the images. However, the little sister suddenly piped up, asking us to leave the television on, because she, so she said, had been a great fan of Pierce Brosnan and had for years been sending him implants for his face, and also other things, among these decorative little pushpins, trying to encourage him in his weakened state, so it meant a lot to her to hear his obituary on the news. And that is the last thing I remember from the dream.

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